A conversation with internet radio

(based on a true story)

Me: I think I'm in the mood for show tunes.

Pandora: I've got show tunes! Do you like the phantom of the Opera?

Me: I love the phantom of the opera! Particularly the title song. *thumbs up*

Pandora: Did you know there are 85,934 versions of this song?

Me: Well it is a long running Broadway show so I would assume there are a lot...

Pandora: Do you like this version of the phantom of the opera?

Me: It's lovely, but I did just listen to that song, so I think I'll skip it.

Pandora: No problem. Do you like this version of the phantom of the opera?

Me: Yes, it's fine, but again, I just listened to that song. *skip*

Pandora: Ok. Hey do you like this version of phantom of the opera?

Me: I won't even dignify that with a response. *skip*

Pandora: I'm sorry, you have used up all your skips for today. Would you like to upgrade for $36 a month and skip as much as you want?

Me: Ah, I see what you did there. Look, I am very grateful to receive this service for free in exchange for only a couple commercials an hour. That is beyond awesome, and I would love to lend my support, but there's simply not room in my budget right now for any non-essentials. I would consider music, though wonderful, to be a non-essential.

Pandora: That's ok, no problem. Hey, do you like this version of phantom of the opera?

Me: No, I don't think I like that song anymore, thanks a lot. *thumbs down*

Pandora: Do you like this song?

Me: Um, I'm not telling you.


  1. Haha, I think I'm the only person on the planet who's never listened to Pandora... This was funny, though. :)


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