
Showing posts from September, 2013

Announcement time!

I started this blog to help me be certain to not be misunderstood when trying to convey concepts about which I am passionately opinionated. I feel I am a reasonable person and I can usually explain my position fairly well when given the time and space to do so. However, if I do not have the time or space I have a bad habit of just spewing out snide remarks which can often be inflammatory or offensive in ways I hadn't considered. This is a place I have room for growth.  I haven't kept up on this blog, because when I was pregnant I was not so much passionately opinionated as constantly enraged (I'm a lightweight when it comes to hormones), and I felt it best to keep that to myself. After that, of course, I simply have too many people to care for and no time for blogging.  I'm using this format today to make a personal announcement to family and friends because it is one with which I anticipate a lot of descent, disapproval, judging and high running emotions, so I want to ...