Weight loss

I am not by any means an expert in the field of nutrition or fitness, but because I recently lost some weight, many have been asking what I've done to achieve this. So I'm sharing what I've learned so far in my journey. Feel free to comment with any questions. The picture at the top is the worst I could find, it was taken in the spring of 2008. I was 225 pounds, ten pounds lighter than my all time high. The picture below I took yesterday, last time I weighed myself I was near 180, I've still got some to lose and a lot more toning to do, but the picture's very flattering since most of my weight is in my legs. I have struggled with being overweight and obese off and on for the past 6 years. Most of the reason for this was 3 very physically debilitating pregnancies in that time which prevented me not only from exercising, but in the case of the last one, from really moving at all for fear of fracturing my pelvis or dislocating a joint or otherwise damaging some vit...