Anti-Mormon is derogatory hate speech

My post about why I left the church generated more traffic than I ever dreamed of, and an overwhelming positive response. Many encouraged me to keep writing and paid me some flattering compliments. I thank you all for this. Writing is something I've always wanted to do, but the bug seems to be fickle for me, as well as the time and inspiration. This encouragement has been invigorating, and I may just rededicate myself to the effort. I do feel I should warn those with expectations, future writing will likely depart from the topic of Mormonism. There are many volumes that could be and have been written on the topic, by minds much greater than mine. For me, I feel as though it will be flash in the pan. The church was a big part of my life, the wounds are fresh, and the obsession is strong and active, but my lasting passion is wild plants and mushrooms. If I dedicate my time and talents to writing, I feel it would be bett...